8 March 2014


The reasons why I want my underbite fixed are to me quite simple; for a functional bite and for aesthetic improvment to my profile, by having more symmetry and balance between my upper and lower jaw. When I started researching orthognathic surgery I hadn't fully appreciated how the position and length of the either jaw can have a profound impact on your appearance - you only have to look at the 'before and after' pictures online to see the difference this type of surgery can have.

My underbite means that I can't really chew food as efficiently as someone who has a normal bite - my teeth have tried to compensate for this, but ultimately my molars don't make contact in the way they should. I'm also worried about the extra wear on my teeth in the future; these are my only pair of teeth and I want to hold on to them for as long as possible! I also feel my speech isn't as clear as others although i'm not sure if my enunciation will improve as a result of this treatment. I also have TMJ issues including clicking and locking but i’ve been told that jaw surgery won’t address this.

1 comment:

  1. My problem is about my teeth gap. I've been worrying about this until I discovered Orthofill to fix my teeth gap. I'm satisfied with the results when I used it.
    #Orthofill #howtofixteethgap
